14th Traditional Career Days at GAUN
Gaziantep University (GAUN) Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department Career Planning and Communication Committee organized the 14th Traditional Career Days event. GAUN Faculty of Health Sciences Career Planning and Communication Committee…

The 14th Traditional Career Days event was organized by the Career Planning and Communication Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department at Gaziantep University (GAUN). The event was coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Nurgül Özdemir, the Chair of the Career Planning and Communication Committee, Research Assistant Tuğba Albayram, Dean’s Secretary Serkan Ergül, and student nurses Bilal Duran, Ceren Bakır, Burhan Karakuş, Nimet Çiçek, Kübra Hacıoğlu. During the event, final year nursing students were informed about the institutional policies, working conditions, salary levels, and benefits provided by private hospitals in Gaziantep province such as Medical Point, Anka Hospital, Hatem Hospital, MMT American Hospital, at booths where they could also fill out pre-application forms for the hospitals they are considering to work at in their professional careers. The purpose of the Career Days events is to physically and psychologically prepare students for graduation, according to Assoc. Prof. Nurgül Özdemir. She stated, ‘Knowing the working conditions, salary levels, and benefits they will have in different hospitals is one of the factors that prepare our students for graduation. Additionally, meeting with graduates who have previously graduated and are working in these hospitals is an advantage for our students. Seeing their progress and supporting them in this field is a special moment for us as educators. Therefore, we will continue to organize this event in the coming years.’ The 14th Traditional Career Days event concluded after the Q&A session.