Tips for students taking exams from expert psychologist Ekici

This weekend, the High School Transition Exam (Liselere Geçiş Sınavı) will be held in Turkey, and the Higher Education Institutions Exam (Yükseköğretim Kurumları Sınavı – YKS) will be held on June 8-9. Prior to these exams, experts have provided a series of recommendations to students. Special Imperial …

Tips for students taking exams from expert psychologist Ekici
Publish: 30.05.2024

Experts provided a series of recommendations to students ahead of the High School Transition Exam to be held this weekend in Turkey and the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) to be held on June 8-9. Specialized Clinical Psychologist Seden Celep Ekici, working at Özel İmperial Hospital, reminded that as the exam dates approach, students may experience an increase in exam anxiety levels. Celep Ekici stated that students experiencing intense anxiety may exhibit various cognitive and physical symptoms such as intense distraction, lack of desire to study, inability to perceive what they read, loss of appetite, insomnia, forgetfulness, nausea, dizziness, and accelerated heart rate. She emphasized that students need to learn to control their negative thoughts in order to facilitate demonstrating what they know in the exams. It is crucial to accept that exams measure knowledge level, not personality value. Exams should not be seen as the sole criterion for future happiness and success, but rather as a part of the educational journey that requires focus on the process and viewing it as a stage to be passed.
Celep Ekici highlighted the importance of students not worrying about experiencing a certain level of excitement, as it is a normal emotion that helps one stay alert. She advised students to code anxiety as a natural and necessary emotion, stating that a certain level of anxiety keeps us alert and focused on potential situations. She recommended having alternative plans to reduce intense anxiety. Realistic expectations are crucial, and dwelling on negative outcomes should be avoided. It is essential to have both A and B plans. Celep Ekici also mentioned that intense anxiety can negatively affect performance, and realistic expectations can help alleviate potential disappointments.
She advised students to not exhaust themselves by thinking about bad outcomes on the night before the exam, and to shift their focus when negative thoughts arise. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and diet, managing time effectively during the exam, and focusing on the questions and answer sheet are crucial. Learning techniques to reduce exam anxiety beforehand, seeking help from professionals when needed, and understanding that the exam is not the end but a new beginning are important. It is possible to notice and change negative thoughts, and make the process healthier with specific exam tactics. Remembering that self-love is essential for feeling valuable, regardless of the circumstances, and blocking out negativity are also key points to consider. Each individual’s coping method with exams should be unique, and seeking guidance from professionals to acquire suitable methods and techniques is recommended.

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