Support for 6 projects of Kastamonu University

Kastamonu University’s 6 projects have been awarded support in the 2024/I period of TÜBİTAK 2237-A Program. Kastamonu University, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Science Human Support Programs Presidency (BİDEB…

Support for 6 projects of Kastamonu University
Publish: 30.05.2024

Kastamonu University’s 6 projects have qualified for support in the 2024/I term of TÜBİTAK 2237-A Program. Kastamonu University achieved a great success with the acceptance of 6 projects in the 2024/1 term of the Scientific Education Activities Support Program 2237-A conducted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Science Fellowships Directorate (BİDEB). Among these projects are Assoc. Prof. Alperen Kaymakçı’s ‘Conversion of Specialized R&D Ideas into Industrial Property and Understanding Patent Language’ and Dr. Hakan Aydoğan’s ‘Thesis Proposal Preparation Training for Graduate Students in the Field of Natural Sciences’ from the Faculty of Forestry, as well as Dr. Mehmet Karamanoğlu’s ‘Improving the Scientific Event Organization Skills of Academicians’ from Tosya Vocational School, Dr. Aysun İnan Genç’s ‘Training on Components of the Scientific Process in Biological Sciences and Applied Natural Sciences from Hypothesis to Product’ from the Faculty of Science, Assoc. Prof. Erol Tekin’s ‘Development of R&D Culture of Young Researchers in the Techno-Entrepreneurship Vertical-III’ from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, and Assoc. Prof. Nesrin İçli’s ‘Advanced Practice Training on Analytical Method Validation/Verification Measurement Uncertainty’ from the Faculty of Health Sciences. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi Topal, the Rector of Kastamonu University, emphasized that the success of Kastamonu University is a result of its academicians’ work on current and quality topics, highlighting that the project trainings provided at the university further enhance the university’s project successes. Rector Topal expressed that such successes elevate the prestige of Kastamonu University nationally and internationally, and conveyed his gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, the President of TÜBİTAK, Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Ursavaş, the Head of TÜBİTAK Science Fellowships Program, Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, the President of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), and the members of YÖK for their support and encouragement towards projects related to R&D, projects, and quality education studies in Turkey. Rector Topal stated, ‘It is our greatest wish for our university to take a leading role in scientific research and for our academic achievements to continue to increase. I sincerely congratulate all our academicians who contributed to this success and wish them success in their future endeavors. We will continue to make our university’s name known with scientific achievements in the future.’

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