Minister Özhaseki: ‘Two Memduhs come together hand in hand, they serve you’

Minister of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki visited the Pınarbaşı district with the Mayor of Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç. Minister Özhaseki, who embraced the tradesmen, said, ‘When two Memduhs come together, hand in hand, they can achieve great things for you…’.

Minister Özhaseki: ‘Two Memduhs come together hand in hand, they serve you’
Publish: 29.05.2024

Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki visited Pınarbaşı district with Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç. Embracing the tradesmen, Minister Özhaseki stated, ‘Two Memduhs working hand in hand will serve you.’ Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality teams continue their services all around Pınarbaşı, while Mayor Dr. Memduh Büyükkılıç listens to the demands and requests of the district residents face to face.
Displaying examples of unity, solidarity, and cooperation both in the city center and districts, Mayor Büyükkılıç, during his district visits, made a remarkable appearance in Pınarbaşı together with Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki.
During the visit to Pınarbaşı district, Minister Özhaseki and Mayor Büyükkılıç were accompanied by AK Party Kayseri Provincial Chairman Fatih Üzüm, Nationalist Movement Party Deputy Chairman and Kayseri Member of Parliament Ismail Özdemir, MHP Kayseri Member of Parliament Baki Ersoy, MHP Kayseri Provincial Chairman Seyit Demirezen, party organization, and the Cumhur Alliance Pınarbaşı Mayoral Candidate Menduh Uzunluoğlu.
Firstly, Minister Özhaseki and Mayor Büyükkılıç visited the tradesmen in the center of Pınarbaşı, wishing them prosperous and fruitful earnings. Özhaseki and Büyükkılıç, encountered with warm and sincere interest and love from the residents and tradesmen, also listened to the views and suggestions of the traders and citizens.
Performing the noon prayer at Karslı Mosque, Minister Özhaseki, later along with Mayor Büyükkılıç and the accompanying delegation, examined the TOKI land site in Kayaönü Neighborhood of Pınarbaşı district.
‘Kayseri Will Benefit Significantly from TOKI in This Period,’ said Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki, mentioning that the foundation of 206 houses will be laid soon in this area. Özhaseki emphasized the importance of Pınarbaşı district as a place where national and spiritual values ​​are at the forefront.
‘When Two Memduhs Come Together, They Serve More Here,’ expressed Minister Özhaseki, hoping that when two Memduhs come together, they will serve more. Mayor Büyükkılıç also expressed his good wishes for the TOKI houses to be beneficial to the district residents, thanking Minister Özhaseki for his contributions.
Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mehmet Özhaseki met with neighborhood headmen and opinion leaders, holding a consultation meeting with the muhtars and opinion leaders serving in the district.
Addressing the muhtars, Mayor Büyükkılıç emphasized the importance of Pınarbaşı and welcomed Minister Özhaseki, stating that they will continue to serve the Pınarbaşı district together. Minister Özhaseki also mentioned the issue of climate change and the efforts to heal the wounds of earthquakes.
Minister Özhaseki highlighted that all kinds of investments in Pınarbaşı district are brought by the Metropolitan Municipality, expressing the hope that two Memduhs will work together to serve the people. MHP Deputy Chairman and Kayseri Member of Parliament Ismail Özdemir also made remarks during the event, emphasizing the importance of collaboration for the development of the district.

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