Thanks to Mayor Zeyrek from the people of Manisa for the prepaid meter

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek, who continues to keep his promises to the people of Manisa, has been met with satisfaction by the citizens for abolishing the mandatory card meter application. The announcements regarding the transition from card meters to mechanical meters…

Thanks to Mayor Zeyrek from the people of Manisa for the prepaid meter
Publish: 25.05.2024

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek, who continues to keep his promises to the people of Manisa, was welcomed by the citizens for abolishing the mandatory card-operated meter application. Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek, who shared the good news of transitioning from card-operated meters to mechanical meters with the people of Manisa, had announced that processes such as meter removal, installation, subscription contract fees, and transformation to mechanical meters would be free of charge. Manisa residents who described the difficulties they faced due to card-operated meters installed without their consent thanked Mayor Zeyrek for both the abolition of the obligation and the free procedures.

“They literally tortured us”
Citizens who described the difficulties they faced due to card-operated meters installed without their consent and whose fees were also collected from the people of Manisa thanked Mayor Zeyrek. Ramazan Soğancı, who expressed that the card-operated meter was a torture for them, said, “We are not satisfied with the card-operated meter. We are considering changing it. We will also apply on June 1. It is very correct to have the option to change. We were victims for years on this matter. There are no points to load water onto the card in nearby areas. When water suddenly runs out, we face problems. For example, we had used the backup credit in previous days, but we were not aware. We forgot to load water. In the middle of the night, we tried to find a place to load water. I used to have a normal meter, it was changed without our knowledge. Despite our refusal, we had to pay a large amount of money. It was changed by saying the meter had expired. I had applied several times to convert it to a normal meter. We faced various obstacles. But now we see that it can be done. It is a belated implementation. They literally tortured us. Our elderly people also have a hard time. After the elections, it was my first recharge and there is a price difference. I really bought 2 tons of water for 1 lira. I loaded 200 liras now in the recharge that used to cost me 700 liras. It seems that services are being provided. I believe that more beautiful things will be done in terms of municipality. We already supported Mayor Ferdi. Hopefully, better things will happen. I thank Mayor Ferdi for saving the people from the torture of the card-operated meter and keeping his promise.”

“It seems it can be done when they want to”
Ilhan Öncü, who described the difficulties due to the card-operated meter, said, “We are very complaining about the card-operated meter. My son comes home from work, the water runs out, he has to run to load water. Even though we did not want it, they changed our meter without our knowledge. We applied a lot but they still didn’t change it. It seems it can be done when they want to. Our Mayor Ferdi keeps his promise. I thank him very much.”
Reşit Akbaş, who stated that everyone complains about the card-operated meter, emphasized that the abolition of the obligation is very good, while Meral Akbaş, who expressed that there were major problems due to the card-operated meter, said, “I do not use the card-operated meter, but I have a friend who had an operation on his foot. He said I cannot go to sell water constantly. He even went to the governorate to change it, but it didn’t happen. There are big problems. The removal of the obligation is very good. We are very pleased that Mayor Ferdi’s path is clear. We are very satisfied with him. It is also nice to extend the microphone to the public. It is going well for now and everything will get better. We believe in him.”

“Mayor Ferdi kept his promise”
Hasan Hüseyin Kozdere, who expressed that Mayor Ferdi kept his promise, said, “They used to change the meter and also charge us for changing the time every time. I had bought the mechanical meter myself. They took it off and put the card-operated one, and we bought that with our money. It was like that back then, now it has changed. This change is good for us. It would be good for us to switch to the mechanical meter for free. Sometimes it runs out suddenly and we forget to load, we face difficulties. I thank Mayor Ferdi. There is nothing he can’t do, the mayor will do it. Mayor Ferdi kept his promise. Thank you.” Nihal İnce, who explained that they are not satisfied with the card-operated meter but are forced to use it, Sevinç Talukan, who stated that no one was asked when the card-operated meter was installed, expressed that the abolition of the obligation is good.
Mustafa Güder, who mentioned that the promises were kept in a short time and believed that Manisa would change, Niyazi Şahin, who emphasized that the card-operated meters were a trouble for them, said they were pleased that the meters would be changed for free. Citizens Necdet Özkavsal, Ali Yardımcı, and Havva Düzyol also expressed their happiness for the end of the problems they faced in using card-operated meters and thanked Mayor Zeyrek for keeping his promise.

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