LGS, TYT, and AYT practice exams in Kars

A trial exam was held in Kars within the scope of the CAUCASUS Project. Within the framework of the CAUCASUS Project implemented under the leadership of the Governor of Kars, Ziya Polat, students sweated in the trial exams for the LGS, TYT, and AYT. Students will be placed in high schools and universities to be held throughout the province…

LGS, TYT, and AYT practice exams in Kars
Publish: 25.05.2024

A trial exam was held in Kars as part of the CAUCASUS Project. Under the leadership of the Governor of Kars, Ziya Polat, students sweated over the trial exams of LGS, TYT, and AYT implemented within the scope of the CAUCASUS Project. A total of 4,283 8th-grade students from the city center and districts participated in the trial exam held in buildings, halls, and classrooms designated by the Ministry for entrance exams to high schools and universities. The TYT and AYT trial exam took place with the participation of 2,320 12th-grade students at 6 exam centers. Each student was given the same amount of time as the original exam. Those without ID or admission ticket and latecomers were not allowed in. Students who came to the exam on their own took notes on what they needed to pay attention to on the exam day, identified their shortcomings, and took precautions. In the exams supervised by instructors, students tested their knowledge and learned how to manage their time. Parents also anxiously waited in front of the exam centers like the students. Governor Ziya Polat, Kafkas University Rector Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Kapu, and Provincial Director of National Education Nevzat Kaya visited the exam centers one by one and received information. Governor Polat, who made a statement to journalists regarding the trial exam, expressed, ‘Today in our beloved city Kars, we wanted to conduct a trial exam for the children on the path of education enthusiasm before the upcoming exams. We included all of our children throughout our province in both LGS, TYT, and AYT exams. We conducted a trial similar to the actual exam in schools. Currently, our LGS students are taking the exam in the school they will attend and the seat they will sit in, just like in the actual exam, it passed in a real exam atmosphere. ID checks were done, latecomers were not accepted, and ID changes, unfortunately, there are still children who change their IDs in exams, and we conducted a trial for that as well. Currently, we have 2,320 students taking the TYT and 4,283 students taking the LGS. We wish them all the best of luck. As Gazi Kars, we are obliged to support education and education with the Ministry of National Education, our University, and all our institutions. Hopefully, they will achieve what they desire in the real exam, serve this state, and this nation. We want to emphasize once again from here that we are at their service’.

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