Support for apricot sizing machine to ‘Mut’lu’ producers from Metropolitan Municipality

It was reported that the Agricultural Services Directorate of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality provided support with a plum sizing machine to Esençay Neighborhood in Mut district. According to the statement from Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, the aim is to support the producers in agricultural regions …

Support for apricot sizing machine to ‘Mut’lu’ producers from Metropolitan Municipality
Publish: 23.05.2024

It was reported that the Agricultural Services Directorate of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality provided support with an apricot sizing machine to Esençay Neighborhood of Mut district. According to the statement made by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality, modern equipment support continues to reduce the intensive labor of farmers in agricultural regions. Thanks to the municipality’s support, product and quality losses are minimized, saving time. With the apricot sizing machine delivered to Mut Esençay Irrigation Cooperative, the sizing work that would be done by 5-6 people is completed in 1 hour. The Metropolitan Municipality had also provided apricot sizing machine support to Çınarlı, Çortak, Yeşilyurt, and Gençali neighborhoods in Mut district during the year. ‘An average of 1500 kilograms of product can be sized per hour’ Hüseyin Topkara, an agricultural engineer serving in the Agricultural Services Directorate, explained that they continue to provide machine equipment support through agricultural development and agricultural irrigation cooperatives. He stated that an average of 1500 kilograms of product can be sized per hour with the machines they support, which corresponds to the work of 5-6 laborers in a day. He emphasized that time and labor are saved. They tried to provide apricot sizing machine support to neighborhoods with intense apricot production and demand within the Mut district in 2024. Deliveries of machines were made to Esençay, Çınarlı, Çortak, Yeşilyurt, and Gençali neighborhoods. The support will continue for small and medium-scale producers in the future.’This support saved both time and money.’ Kadir Turan, the Muhtar of Esençay Neighborhood in Mut district and the President of Mut Esençay Irrigation Cooperative, provided information about apricot harvesting and the selection process they carried out, saying, ‘Apricot is a difficult fruit in terms of labor, and the selection process is also very challenging. That’s why our villagers said, ‘Let’s request an apricot sizing machine.’ I also requested it from our Mayor. Thanks to our Mayor, he provided us with the machine. This saved us both time and money. Our Mayor also provided great support for the irrigation pipes in our neighborhood. Our Mayor never left us empty-handed for any project we requested. Our Mayor is always on the side of the farmer and the producer, and loves the farmers. I thank them very much for their support.’ ‘Our work improved and became easier with this machine.’ Sevgi Çay, a producer, stated that they are engaged in apricot, apricot, fig, and olive production, saying, ‘We have been involved in farming since our childhood. We used to select our apricots by hand before, and it was difficult. But the machine made our job much easier. We thank our Mayor Vahap Seçer very much. Previously, we used to collect, bring, and pour and then select one by one. Our work improved and became easier with this machine.’ Yaşar Turhan, who has been farming for 30 years, said, ‘Before our Mayor’s support, we used to pick and bring the fruits. It was difficult to select with how many people. Now it’s easier. We couldn’t find workers. Our Mayor Vahap Seçer supports in every aspect.’ 87-year-old Hüsamettin Gezer expressed his feelings, ‘We thank our Mayor wholeheartedly, please give him our warm regards.’

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