Aşık Mahzuni Şerif was commemorated with a concert in Mersin

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality organized the ‘Aşık Mahzuni Şerif Memorial Concert’ on the 22nd anniversary of his death. In the concert held at Mezitli Municipality Cultural Center by the Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs, Aşık Mahzuni Şerif’s folk songs were performed by conductor Erdal.

Aşık Mahzuni Şerif was commemorated with a concert in Mersin
Publish: 22.05.2024
Updated: 02.06.2024 19:42

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality organized the ‘Aşık Mahzuni Şerif Memorial Concert’ on the 22nd anniversary of his death. The concert, held at Mezitli Municipality Cultural Center by the Presidency of Culture and Social Affairs Department, featured the folk songs of Aşık Mahzuni Şerif performed by soloists Özge Çabuk, Çiğdem Akdoğan, and Zeynep Özel Gündüz, along with the choir of Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Turkish Folk Music Community under the direction of conductor Erdal Koşar. Mahzuni enthusiasts in the audience also joined in singing along to the songs. Expressing pride and happiness for organizing such a commemorative event, Coordinator Bengi İspir Özdülger of the Presidency of Culture and Social Affairs Department thanked the guests attending the concert. She stated, ‘We are so fortunate to have a great treasure like Aşık Mahzuni Şerif. We were revived by his beautiful works. But again, we are so lucky to have such a magnificent orchestra. I extend my gratitude to all orchestra musicians and soloist friends for their voices. Of course, I thank our valuable conductor Erdal Koşar and congratulate him for arranging these beautiful works.’ Conductor Erdal Koşar mentioned that they presented a beautiful repertoire to the audience, stating, ‘Mahzuni Baba left such beautiful works that we were puzzled about which ones to select and present to our audience. It was really challenging to choose from his beautifully crafted folk songs filled with deep emotions that have become popular among the public. But our people were very pleased with it.’ Koşar also highlighted that through the concert, they not only honored Aşık Mahzuni Şerif but also remembered Atatürk due to the concert being held during the week of May 19th, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day. He said, ‘With the folk song ‘Sarı Saçlım Mavi Gözlüm’ that Mahzuni Baba wrote for Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, we concluded our concert.’ Aşık Mahzuni Şerif’s daughter Şeyda Mahzuni expressed, ‘Being with you on this platform is truly honorable. When emotions intensify, words get stuck on our tongues. Today, on the 22nd anniversary of Mahzuni Şerif, my dear father’s passing to the afterlife, being with all Mahzuni lovers truly touched me.’ Mahzuni emphasized that Mahzuni Şerif was the resilient voice of labor, pain, rights, justice, love, and passion, stating, ‘If a child who was not yet born when Mahzuni Şerif ascended to the heavens can sing Mahzuni Şerif’s folk songs today, then Mahzuni Şerif has not died. Mahzuni Şerif’s wish was for a life of enlightenment, prosperity, and justice for his country and all world peoples. To know Mahzuni is to listen to his works.’ At the end of the concert, Özdülger presented flowers to conductor Erdal Koşar, and Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Serdal Gökayaz presented flowers to Şeyda Mahzuni.

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