A 12-acre municipality building with a sea view has been put up for sale
The 12-acre Yıldıztepe Social Life Center in Mudanya district of Bursa, built by the municipality, will also be put up for sale. Mudanya Municipality, struggling to pay salaries due to its debts and having a debt of 110 million Turkish Liras to the Social Security Institution (SGK), will …

The 12-acre Yıldıztepe Social Life Center located in the Mudanya district of Bursa and built by the municipality will also be put up for sale. Due to debts causing difficulties in paying salaries, Mudanya Municipality, which has a debt of 110 million Turkish liras to the Social Security Institution, had the sale of 59 immovable properties owned by the municipality approved by a majority vote at the council meeting held this month. Among these 59 properties, the 12-acre Yıldıztepe Social Life Center built by the former mayor Hayri Türkyılmaz also took its place on the sales list. Following the 5.1 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Mudanya in December, the municipality building was evacuated, and some units, including the mayor’s office, started operating in the Yıldıztepe Social Life Center.
Mudanya Mayor Deniz Dalgıç made a statement regarding the places to be put up for sale, saying, ‘We requested the authorization for the sale of 59 immovable properties. They granted us this authorization, but we will not put all 59 of them up for sale at once. Due to the economic conditions in the country, we cannot predict which ones can be sold. Our concern is not to sell all of these. Our concern is to overcome the current financial difficulties, ensure cash flow, and make investments for the services we need.’
‘I don’t need to stay as the mayor in such a valuable place’ Continuing his words by saying, ‘The place we are in could be a hospital, a university, or a tourism facility. I don’t need to stay as the mayor in such an expensive and valuable place,’ Mayor Dalgıç also stated, ‘I can move to a container or even a tent. As long as Mudanya’s issues are resolved. In Hasköy, there are small parcels and unused but rentable places. Unfortunately, our rentable places have been vacant for 2-3 years. If we can transform them, generate income from them, we will serve Mudanya. We don’t have a goal to sell all of them. Just by selling the Yıldıztepe Facilities, all our problems will be solved,’ he said.
‘We are having difficulty paying staff salaries’ Emphasizing that they will provide this place if an investor comes and its value is recognized, Mayor Deniz Dalgıç said, ‘Our concern is to take care of Mudanya. Not to destroy our values but to turn them into investments. We need parking lots, roads. We have the obligation to expropriate to be able to do these. We don’t have the resource to expropriate. Nowadays, due to the cash flow problem, we are having difficulty paying staff salaries. You cannot ask for service from a staff member whose salary you cannot pay. The population will triple when the season opens, and the need for service will increase. We need resources for these. We had previously obtained borrowing authorization. We are waiting for a guarantee letter from the bank. As soon as it arrives, our limit will be opened. We can also use it from here instead of selling, but my priority is to get rid of the unused properties we have and make useful investments. We do not have the saving of laying off employees. Legally, we cannot do this. The labor law and the union prevent it. It is not something that suits us to lay off people without a reason. Of course, those who do not do their job properly, who do not give their due will be dealt with accordingly. Our concern is to improve the current number of personnel we have without increasing it and make it healthier. It will take some time, but we will do it,’ he stated.