Irlamaz Stream is being cleaned after years

MASKİ General Directorate initiated a 1-kilometer cleaning work on Irlamaz Stream, located in the town center of Turgutlu and frequently preferred by the residents of the district. In the past, neighborhood residents had intense demand and complaints…

Irlamaz Stream is being cleaned after years
Publish: 20.05.2024

MASKİ General Directorate initiated a 1-kilometer cleaning work on Irlamaz Creek, located in the center of Turgutlu district and frequently preferred by the residents of the district. Despite intense demands and complaints from neighborhood residents in the past, it was stated that no cleaning work was carried out in the creek.

Manisa Water and Sewerage Administration (MASKİ) General Directorate started a 1-kilometer cleaning work on Irlamaz Creek, located in the center of Turgutlu district, to eliminate fly, odor, and waste problems before the upcoming summer months and to take precautions against the risk of flooding during rainy weather. Within the scope of the cleaning work initiated by the Environmental Protection Department teams to prevent the rivers passing through the city center from affecting human and environmental health, materials such as alluvium, gravel, sand brought by rains, and waste thrown carelessly by citizens are being cleaned. The waste materials taken out of the creek are transported by trucks to storage areas and disposed of. With the work planned to be completed in a short time, the regular flow of the creek, which has not been cleaned for years, will be ensured, making it no longer a threat to human health.

“We stand behind our Mayor”
Emphasizing that despite intense demands and complaints in the past, no cleaning work was done in the creek, İzzet Ali Tek, a resident of Yeni Mahalle, said, “Irlamaz Creek was like a dump before. There were tires, numerous waste, and bottles. I complained everywhere in the past. The work is currently ongoing. Spraying has started. We are not regretful for voting for our Mayor, we are always behind him,” he said.

“The services provided are very good”
Expressing that the point where the creek is located is the apple of Turgutlu’s eye, Sami Tezcan, the headman of Subaşı Mahalle, said, “No maintenance was done to Irlamaz Creek before. Now it is being cleaned, it looks very nice. These places need to be kept clean, everyone in Turgutlu uses here. Because it is the apple of Turgutlu’s eye. The services provided are very good. We thank Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek, Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın, and MASKİ teams,” he said.

“We thank Mayor Ferdi”
Stating that citizens need to be sensitive about environmental cleanliness, Yalçın Bostancı, the headman of Yeni Mahalle, said, “The 1-kilometer creek bed is being cleaned by MASKİ teams. We see the materials thrown into the creek by citizens. After the work, we recommend our citizens to be more sensitive about this issue and not to pollute the environment. This area is used by everyone for sports, picnics, and events. We want everyone to use it nicely. Please let’s keep our environment clean. We thank Mayor Ferdi Zeyrek for the works,” he said.

“It was not cleaned for 6 years, there are good works in the new period”
Ali Şuri Bölükoğlu, a resident of 7 Eylül Mahalle, said, “I exercise regularly in this area every morning. I see very good works. This place was very neglected. As far as I have observed for 6 years, the creek was neglected. No work had been done. There are good works in the new period, I watch this and I am happy. I greet our Mayor. I wish him success in his works. The cleaning is very nice, but picnickers also need to contribute to this cleanliness. As citizens, we should also help. As a citizen, I am very thankful.” Zeynep Çay, a resident of Yeni Mahalle, said, “I walk here. It was very bad before, it was unbearable because of the flies. It was never cleaned like this before. Now the works are very nice. We thank those who contributed.” Another neighborhood resident, Fatma Başer, said, “The creek was very dirty before. They even saw a snake in it recently. Now it looks very nice. We are very pleased with this cleaning.”

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