Erzurum has risen to 29th place in housing

TUIK shared the housing sales statistics of cities for the April 2023 period. It was announced that 621 houses changed hands in Erzurum during the month. The province ranked 29th in the country and 2nd in the region in the April housing sales performance record, following Elazig. Erzurum…

Erzurum has risen to 29th place in housing
Publish: 20.05.2024

TÜİK shared the housing sales statistics of provinces for April 2023 period. It was announced that 621 houses changed hands in Erzurum during the month. The province ranked 29th in the country and 2nd in the region after Elazığ in the housing sales performance for the month of April.
Erzurum April 2024 Data
According to TÜİK data, in Erzurum, 63 mortgages and 558 other methods, totaling 621 house sales, were made in the month of April. Compared to April 2023, mortgage sales decreased by 74.59%, other sales increased by 25.39%, and the overall sales rate decreased by 10.38%.
Erzurum 1st and 2nd Hand Housing Sales
Out of the 621 houses sold in Erzurum in April, 184 were new and 437 were second-hand. New home sales accounted for 29.62% of total sales, while second-hand sales accounted for 70.37%. Compared to April 2023, new home sales decreased by 28.95% and second-hand sales increased by 0.69%.
Erzurum April 2023 Data
In Erzurum, a total of 693 houses were sold in April 2023, with 248 mortgages and 445 other methods. In the previous year, out of 693 houses, 259 were sold as new and 434 were recorded as second-hand, with new home sales accounting for 37.3% of total sales.
Regional Data
According to the evaluations recorded by DOSİAD Research Center based on TÜİK data, in April, 621 houses were sold in Erzurum, 861 in KUDAKA Statistical Region provinces, 1,339 in Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region provinces, and 3,388 in East Anatolia Region provinces.
Erzurum’s Share in Housing Sales
According to the calculations recorded by DOSİAD Research Center based on TÜİK data, the number of houses sold in Erzurum in April accounted for 72.12% of KUDAKA Statistical Region provinces, 46.37% of Northeast Anatolia Statistical Region provinces, and 18.32% of East Anatolia Region provinces.
Regional Provinces Housing Sales Numbers
In Malatya, 380 houses were sold, 700 in Elazığ, 621 in Erzurum, 449 in Van, 184 in Erzincan, 136 in Bingöl, 230 in Kars, 184 in Bitlis, 147 in Ağrı, 172 in Muş, 83 in Iğdır, 49 in Tunceli, 18 in Ardahan, and 35 in Hakkari.
Erzurum Ranked 29th
Erzurum ranked 29th in the list of Turkish provinces based on housing sales numbers. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales were recorded as Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Bursa, Mersin, Gaziantep, Konya, Adana, Balıkesir, Tekirdağ, Aydın, Kocaeli, Kayseri, Şanlıurfa, Samsun, Diyarbakır, Sakarya, Manisa, Muğla, Eskişehir, Denizli, Hatay, Yalova, Mardin, Elazığ, Çanakkale, Kahramanmaraş, Erzurum, and Ordu.
Housing Sales Decreased by 28.3%
Housing sales decreased by 28.3% on a monthly basis. In April, 75,569 houses were sold. The previous month, the number of housing sales was 105,394.
Housing sales decreased by 3.7% in the January-April period compared to the same period last year, reaching 355,173.
Mortgaged housing sales were 7,071. Mortgage housing sales in Turkey decreased by 67.5% compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 7,071. Mortgage sales accounted for 9.4% of total housing sales. Mortgage housing sales in the January-April period decreased by 57% compared to the same period last year, reaching 34,693.
Out of the total mortgage sales in April, 1,744 were new; out of the January-April period, 8,313 were new home sales.
68,498 houses changed hands through other sales methods. Other housing sales in Turkey increased by 7.2% in April compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 68,498. Other sales accounted for 90.6% of total housing sales. Other housing sales in the January-April period increased by 11.2% compared to the same period last year, reaching 320,480.
The number of new home sales was 24,085. In Turkey, the number of new home sales in April decreased by 10.6% compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 24,085. New home sales accounted for 31.9% of total housing sales. New home sales in the January-April period increased by 1.3% compared to the same period last year, reaching 112,341.
51,484 houses changed hands in second-hand housing sales. Second-hand housing sales in Turkey decreased by 12.3% in April compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 51,484. Second-hand housing sales accounted for 68.1% of total housing sales. Second-hand housing sales in the January-April period decreased by 5.9% compared to the same period last year, reaching 242,832.
1,272 houses were sold to foreigners in April. Housing sales to foreigners in April decreased by 50.3% compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 1,272. Housing sales to foreigners accounted for 1.7% of total housing sales in April. The provinces with the highest number of housing sales to foreigners were Antalya with 454, Istanbul with 407, and Mersin with 149. Housing sales to foreigners in the January-April period decreased by 48.4% compared to the same period last year, reaching 6,957.
The highest number of housing sales by nationality in April was to citizens of the Russian Federation with 293, Iran with 117, and Ukraine with 91.

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