The flag representing Atatürk was raised on the shore

As part of the celebrations of the 105th anniversary of the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, the Turkish flag symbolizing Atatürk’s arrival in Samsun was landed ashore by soldiers. The celebrations started at 07:45 at the Atatürk Monument…

The flag representing Atatürk was raised on the shore
Publish: 19.05.2024
Updated: 02.06.2024 13:54

On the 105th anniversary of May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, the Turkish flag symbolizing Atatürk’s arrival in Samsun was disembarked by soldiers.

The celebrations started at 07:45 at the Atatürk Monument. The ceremony, which began with the laying of a wreath at the monument by the Directorate of Youth and Sports, continued with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem. After the ceremony at the monument, the procession moved to the ceremony area at Tütün Pier.

At Tütün Pier, which is the place where Atatürk took the first step to initiate the War of Independence in Samsun, the Turkish flag symbolizing Atatürk’s landing was disembarked by soldiers. Here, 1 naval officer along with 2 sailors and 2 infantry soldiers reenacted the landing of Atatürk and his comrades on May 19, 1919. The Turkish flag landed by the soldiers was handed over to 5 scouts under the supervision of Samsun Governor Orhan Tavli.

“The first step of the National Struggle was taken in our Samsun”

Speaking at the ceremony, Samsun Governor Orhan Tavli said, “Today, we are once again experiencing the honor, pride, and excitement of celebrating May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day with enthusiasm. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades, after departing from Istanbul on May 16, 1919, with the Bandırma Ferry that changed the fate of the Turkish Nation, landed in Samsun on the morning of May 19, 1919, taking the first step of the National Struggle in our Samsun. The glorious Turkish flag was disembarked with a torch lit in Samsun that day, as if reborn from its ashes; the Noble Turkish Nation, emerging victorious from the War of Independence with unity, solidarity, and fraternity spirit, was resurrected on the stage of history with the proclamation of our Republic. Today, 105 years later, we feel the national and spiritual atmosphere of that historic moment in our hearts, and by disembarking our glorious Turkish flag from the same point with enthusiasm and pride, we entrust it to the Turkish youth, the greatest guarantee of our future, our Republic, and the Turkish Century. Our symbol of independence, the crescent-starred flag, will proudly continue to wave on our sacred homeland and illuminate the path of the Noble Turkish Nation forever. With these feelings and thoughts; I respectfully commemorate all our heroes who crowned our War of Independence with victory, especially our Republic’s founder Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. I pray for mercy for our martyrs who fell to the ground for our independence, and I remember our veterans with gratitude. Happy May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day”.

The protocol members, military officials, and citizens gathered behind the Turkish flag symbolizing Atatürk’s arrival in Samsun, walked together to the main program venue of the May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, which will take place at Ilkadim Athletics Field.

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