President Erdoğan met with TOBB Young Entrepreneurs

Denizli Chamber of Commerce (DTO) President Uğur Erdoğan met with the members of the Denizli Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Board (GGK) of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). He listened to the young entrepreneurs, received their suggestions and requests regarding the services. President Erdoğan …

President Erdoğan met with TOBB Young Entrepreneurs
Publish: 19.05.2024

The President of Denizli Chamber of Commerce (DTO), Uğur Erdoğan, met with the members of the Denizli Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Board (GGK) of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). He listened to the young people, received their suggestions and requests regarding the services. President Erdoğan said to the youth, ‘We trust you, young entrepreneurs. We believe that with joint efforts, you will build the future of Turkey and a much stronger country. We are here to support you in any kind of activities that will add value to our city and sectors, just like today.’
President Uğur Erdoğan of DTO Board of Directors met with the members of TOBB Denizli GGK. The young people welcomed President Erdoğan at the door. President Erdoğan individually greeted and introduced himself to the young entrepreneurs, informing them in detail about the services and projects of their chambers. In the consultation meeting attended by TOBB Denizli GGK President Bekir Çakır and DTO General Secretary Ali Rıza Tekin, President Erdoğan addressed the youth, ‘I wish the new term of our TOBB Denizli Young Entrepreneurs Board, which I coordinate, to be auspicious and successful. We wanted to discuss together what we can do and how we can do it for young entrepreneurs and our sectors. We thought of informing you about our activities. We came here to listen to you. We wanted to hear your suggestions and requests directly. I have attended your meetings before and listened to you. We will continue to increase and sustain such consultations. The continuity of our unity, as it is today, is the guarantee that we will accomplish even greater things. I thank you for your participation and especially for your keen interest. We trust you, young entrepreneurs. With joint efforts, we believe that you will build the future of Turkey and a much stronger country. We are here to support you in any kind of activities that will add value to our city and sectors.’
TOBB Denizli GGK President Bekir Çakır thanked President Erdoğan for their interest in the youth and the support they provide. Çakır said, ‘You have always been by our side like an elder brother, you have been our helper; thank you. On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to express our thanks to you once again. We draw strength from you. We are trying our best to reciprocate the trust you have in us, the interest you show, and the opportunities you provide. We also believe that we will achieve great things together with you and accomplish even better tasks.’

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