The twins who dominate Europe are preparing for the world championship

In Bursa, twin brothers who started arm wrestling at a young age and won the Turkish championship, proudly waved the Turkish flag in Europe with the national team. After winning the European championship, the twins returned to their homeland to prepare for the world championship…

The twins who dominate Europe are preparing for the world championship
Publish: 18.05.2024

Twin brothers who started arm wrestling at a young age in Bursa, won the Turkish championship in the sport and waved the Turkish flag in Europe with the national team. After becoming European champions, the twins set their sights on the world championship upon returning to Turkey.

Fifteen-year-old Burak and Berat Coşkun, who have been interested in arm wrestling since their childhood in Bursa, first became champions in Bursa and then in Turkey, earning the right to wear the national team jersey. The twins, who went to Europe with the national team, became champions and waved the Turkish flag. Upon returning to Turkey, the twins immediately started preparing for the world championship to be held in Moldova.

“We will return as world champions”
Coach Suat Çelik, stating that the twins will return as world champions if they continue to work steadily, said, “We visit schools and hold selections there. We choose children whose anatomical structures are more suitable, of course, the child must also have the desire. They achieve great success as they continue consistently. We have young people who have become world champions in this club. This year, these two young people became European champions. We train them 3 days a week. They came here 2 years ago and worked very consistently. First, they became champions in Bursa. Then they became champions of Turkey. They joined the national team and earned the right to go to Europe. In Europe, they had the chance to sing the National Anthem. This is a relay race, we are trying to develop the infrastructure rapidly. These young people came from the infrastructure and hopefully will achieve many successes. Our next goal is the world championship. I believe that we will also return as world champions from there,” he said.

They eat from their mother’s kitchen
Coach Mehmet Akif Karaçavuş, emphasizing the importance of healthy eating in addition to discipline in the club, said, “We currently have around 120 athletes. We prepare our athletes for Turkish, European, and world championships here. As a club, we focus on discipline, regular training, and healthy eating for our athletes. Those who do not eat in a natural way cannot enter our club. Our athletes eat from their mother’s kitchen. After becoming European champions with our youth, we are preparing for the world championship. Hopefully, our athletes will perform well here. They will raise our flag to the top,” he said.

“We train better together”
Berat Coşkun, expressing that they work better together in training, said, “We became champions in school tournaments in 2022. My brother and I started in this club together. We train much better together. We show each other the right way for our mistakes. We train 2 hours, 3 days a week. We became champions in Europe, and our current goal is to become world champions at the world championship in Moldova,” he said.

“We also spend our time together outside of sports”
Burak Coşkun, stating that they spend time together in social life besides training and competitions, said, “We are preparing for the world championship with weight and table exercises. Our family and friends appreciate us, they are proud. We also spend our time together outside of sports. We are working our best for the world championship, the rest is up to Allah’s will,” he said.

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