Disaster Awareness Training and Support Program organized in Niğde
A ‘Disaster Awareness Training and Support AFAD Volunteer Program’ for students was organized in partnership with the Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Disaster Education and Management Application and Research Center. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ersin Aydın participated in the program…
A ‘Disaster Awareness Training and Support AFAD Volunteer Program’ was organized for students in partnership with the Disaster Education and Management Application and Research Center of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University. The program was attended by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ersin Aydın, Department Head of Geological Engineering Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Mustafa Korkanç, officials from Niğde Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate, academic and administrative staff, as well as students. The program started with a moment of silence and the national anthem, followed by opening speeches and presentations by AFAD personnel Oğuzhan Zeyrek and Hacı Ali Yıldız. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ersin Aydın, speaking at the program, stated: ‘Especially after the Marmara Earthquake, our country transitioned from crisis management to risk management in terms of disasters. This enabled raising awareness before disasters occur and thus minimizing possible losses.’ Prof. Dr. Mustafa Korkanç, in his speech at the program, mentioned: ‘As known, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, landslides, and avalanches, as well as human and technology-induced disasters, are now frequently observed worldwide and in our country. As a result of these disasters, along with loss of life and property, many negatives are experienced. Minimizing these negatives is only possible with a good disaster management approach. One of the most important pillars of this is to raise awareness among all individuals of the society about disasters to create a disaster-ready Turkey.’ Korkanç, emphasizing the importance of Disaster Awareness Trainings, highlighted the ongoing efforts to establish a culture of disaster consciousness for the improvement of societal quality of life.