Democratic Health Union claims ‘insects found in hospital meals’

Democratic Health Union President Togan Demircan reacted to the presence of a bug in a meal at Cigli Training and Research Hospital, stating, ‘We witness several nauseating images almost every week. It is unacceptable for a hospital, which is supposed to be a place of healing, to serve such poor quality and contaminated food. This negligence poses a serious risk to public health. Authorities should take immediate action to address this issue.’

Democratic Health Union claims ‘insects found in hospital meals’
Publish: 17.05.2024

Democratic Health Union President Togan Demircan reacted to the presence of insects in a meal at Cigli Training and Research Hospital, stating, ‘We witness almost nauseating images every week. We have given up on quality and quantity, at least let meal services be provided under hygienic conditions.’ It was claimed that insects were found in the meals distributed at Cigli Training and Research Hospital on several occasions. Following reports that the incident had recently recurred, Democratic Health Union President Togan Demircan made a statement. Demircan invited the Ministry of Health officials to duty, saying, ‘Which ministry staff is eating trashy, insect-infested meals for lunch? Or which senior executive colleague of ours is finding insects in their meal. Have they ever experienced such a feeling? We have repeatedly expressed this, warned our administrators. How is it possible for elements like insects to come out of meals, which are seen as isolated incidents in a barracks where 3-5 thousand people eat, to occur almost every week in a hospital with 50 or 700 beds? Why do the administrations not impose sanctions on the companies they receive services from in this situation, or if they do, are they applying symbolic sanctions?’ ‘Meal services should be provided under hygienic conditions.’ Demircan emphasized that they witness insect images in meals almost every week at Cigli Training and Research Hospital, stating, ‘Do the administrations’ power not suffice for the companies? We have given up on quality and quantity, let meal services be provided under hygienic conditions. There is also a patient aspect to this. A patient who has not eaten for days is served a meal with insects in it. It is shameful, pitiful, sinful. During our visits to institutions, we see the filth in the bathrooms, inadequacies in garden landscaping, and the nauseating state of 5-liter water bottles in front of the hospital entrance. Please, hospital administrations should now impose serious sanctions on companies providing meal services. When an insect comes out of their own meal, they should show the same reaction they show to the place where they ate. Please value your employees. Put your hand to the wheel on matters you can fix.’

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