Remzi Değişmiş’s Health Story

Remzi Değişmiş’s health story tells of a journey full of struggles. The process of coping with health issues turns into a story full of hope.

Remzi Değişmiş’s Health Story
Publish: 11.05.2024

78-year-old Remzi Değişmiş, who had undergone stomach surgeries and received dialysis treatment three days a week, regained his health for the fourth time after jaw cancer surgery.

Health Problems and Surgery Process

Değişmiş’s health problems began with a pilonidal sinus condition. Subsequently, Değişmiş, who experienced problems in his stomach, underwent surgery twice for this issue. Değişmiş’s health issues continued with various heart conditions. Diagnosed with kidney failure, Değişmiş goes for dialysis three days a week.

After being examined due to a toothache, Değişmiş was diagnosed with jaw cancer at Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Education and Research Hospital upon the detection of a mass in his jaw. With a successful surgery performed by Prof. Dr. Aydın Acar and his team, Değişmiş regained his health for the fourth time.

Statement from Prof. Dr. Aydın Acar

Prof. Dr. Aydın Acar stated that despite the risks of the surgery, it was successful after evaluating Remzi Değişmiş’s condition. He emphasized that his team would provide continuous support in Değişmiş’s battle against cancer.

Remzi Değişmiş: “Cancer is as bad as its name. I have had many surgeries before. Even now, I undergo dialysis three times a week. But cancer is a whole different issue. I had surgery by one of the best doctors in Turkey or the best in this field. Thankfully, my surgery was successful. I am in good spirits.”

Değişmiş emphasized the importance of not missing his doctor’s check-ups, saying, “With Allah’s permission, just as I have overcome other illnesses, I will overcome this one too.”

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