Projects for Varil Minaret and Children: The Creativity of Imam Olcay Özmen

Discover the creative and fun approach of Imam Olcay Özmen in our content containing detailed information about minaret drum and projects for children. Explore exciting projects that will attract children’s interest!

Projects for Varil Minaret and Children: The Creativity of Imam Olcay Özmen
Publish: 11.05.2024

Creative Solution to Minaret Problem: Barrel Minaret

Imam Olcay Özmen, serving in a village affiliated with the town of İznik, found a creative solution for a mosque without a minaret. By collecting 9 barrels from scrap dealers and assembling them together, the imam managed to build a minaret, earning the appreciation of the villagers.

Projects for Children

Imam Olcay Özmen implemented projects such as a children’s park and a mosque market to bring children to the mosque and help them get accustomed to it. Repairing battery-operated cars and creating a children’s playground, the imam opened a mosque market where chocolates and toys are distributed for free, attracting the interest of children.

Earned Everyone’s Appreciation in the Village

Imam Olcay Özmen’s extraordinary projects have earned the appreciation of everyone living in the village. Imam Özmen, supported and loved by people from all walks of life in the village, was also rewarded by the district governor for his dedication and efforts.

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