Mini Artist Sümeyye Çalım Gained Great Appreciation with Her Exhibition in Bursa
The magnificent exhibition of the young artist Sümeyye Çalım in Bursa received great acclaim from art lovers. Çalım’s artworks fascinated the audience and invited them into her colorful world.

6-year-old preschool student Sümeyye Çalım, who lives in Bursa, presented 20 carefully crafted pieces to visitors by exhibiting them after a year of meticulous work. The young artist reflected her imagination, observations, and social situations in her works.
Visual Arts Teacher Akif Seven, who discovered Sümeyye’s painting talent and has been working with her for a year, said, “It is a great pride for me to witness the first personal exhibition of my 6-year-old student Sümeyye. Sümeyye skillfully conveys her emotions and observations in her paintings. She showed great dedication in the exhibition preparations with her family. Her energy and excitement at the exhibition opening mesmerized the audience. I believe she is a talent whose name we will hear frequently in the future.”
Sümeyye’s parents expressed their feelings with the following words: “We knew about our daughter’s passion for art, but we knew that having a guide to direct her was important. We are grateful to Akif Seven, who shed light on Sümeyye’s art journey and did not spare his efforts.”