Joint Exercise: Rescue Operation in Horma Canyon

Joint exercise of the teams in the rescue operation carried out in Horma Canyon. Stories of what happened and successes in the operation conducted in challenging natural conditions.

Joint Exercise: Rescue Operation in Horma Canyon
Publish: 11.05.2024

A joint exercise was carried out in Horma Canyon in the Pınarbaşı district of Kastamonu, visited by thousands of tourists, by UMKE, AFAD, IHH, and JAK teams.

Exercise Details

During the exercise, Kastamonu Provincial Health Director Uzm. Dr. Çağdaş Derdiyok stated that teams coordinated and took measures against possible health problems. A total of 58 UMKE, 10 AFAD, 7 JAK, 1 Search and Rescue Dog, 7 mountaineers, and nature sports personnel participated in the exercise.

Scenario and Operation

The scenario of a collision between a tanker carrying chemical substances and a civilian car was enacted during the exercise. Subsequently, a situation where 10 people fell into the canyon due to weight on the suspension bridge was simulated. UMKE and JAK teams provided emergency intervention.

Training and Collaboration

The exercise organized within the scope of UMKE Basic Training Program aimed to provide new teams with experience and increase cooperation between institutions such as AFAD and JAK.

Safety Measures and Evaluation

Kastamonu Provincial Disaster and Emergency Director Uğur Minder stated that the exercise was aimed at identifying deficiencies and was a successful operation. Certificates were given to the participants, and the exercise was concluded.

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