Solidarity March for Palestine

The united march for Palestine symbolizes the strong unity of people coming together for peace and justice. We invite everyone who supports Palestine to join this meaningful march.

Solidarity March for Palestine
Publish: 10.05.2024

During the ‘One Heart for Palestine’ march organized by the clubs of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Israel’s attacks on Palestine were protested. Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Uslu, academicians, administrative staff, and students participated in the march held at the Central Campus of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University.

March and Protest

After the march where slogans were chanted against Israel and the attacks were condemned, İbrahim Gök, speaking on behalf of the students, stated that Israel is committing genocide against Palestine in front of the world’s eyes. Gök said, ‘From October 7th until today, for over 6 months, the terrorist network Israel has been carrying out systematic genocide, continuing with the bloodiest atrocities in human history. More than 15,000 children, more than 10,000 women have been killed, hospitals have been targeted, newborn babies have been brutally murdered. Reacting to the bloodiest genocide in human history, every individual on earth raising their voice in defense of human dignity is fundamental to being human. Since the beginning of Israel’s bloody terrorist acts, people all around the world have shown great reactions against this genocide of the Zionists.’

  • Actions that started at universities in the USA, referred to as ‘Campus Intifada,’ have spread to prestigious universities in different countries worldwide, turning into a global reaction.
  • Gök, stating that students and academicians stand in solidarity against the Israeli genocide, declared their support for this honorable reaction.

Rector’s Statements

Rector Hasan Uslu said, ‘There is oppression happening in Palestine. As independent, free, and having free will students and academicians, we raised a shout at our university to stand against this. We believe that this genocide will end soon. I want to emphasize that we are against this genocide.’

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