Bitlis Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School

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Bitlis Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School
Publish: 10.05.2024

Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School, which has been operating in Bitlis since 2016, provides professional art education to its students, preparing them for conservatories and fine arts faculties.

Educational Program

Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School is a preferred school for talented students aiming to pursue a career in the arts. The school selects its students through a talent exam and provides compulsory piano lessons in the first year. From the second year onwards, students receive education with their chosen instrument to improve themselves and prepare for university.

Achievements and Future Goals

In the university entrance exam held last year, 24 students from Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School were admitted to various 4-year faculties of universities. School Principal Felemez Dinç stated that they aim for even greater achievements this year. Principal Dinç emphasized that considering the conditions of the region, the students are extremely talented.

Student Experience

One of the school’s students, Emirhan Alp, described his experience at Ziya Eren Fine Arts High School, providing detailed information from basic music education to instrument selection. Alp expressed that the education they receive here enhances their skills and offers an experience they will not regret.

Graduate Achievements

The post-graduation achievements of students who have received education at the school are also remarkable. The high rate of university admissions among last year’s graduates demonstrates that the school provides quality education and directs its students towards success.

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