Turkey Final of the ‘Remember’ Competition

Get ready to witness the exciting competition of contestants showcasing their memorization skills in the ‘Hafız Kal’ Competition Turkey Final full of excitement!

Turkey Final of the ‘Remember’ Competition
Publish: 09.05.2024

In the Turkey final of the “Hafız Kal” competition held in Erzincan, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi became the first among the contestants. The competition, organized by the Presidency of Religious Affairs Quran Examination and Recitation Board for the citizens who do not work or have not worked at the Presidency of Religious Affairs, was held in 3 categories: 30 juz, 15 juz, and 5 juz. The Turkey Final of the “Hafız Kal” competition, which was organized and completed the regional competitions, took place at the Mufti Conference Hall in Erzincan.

Conditions of Participation

It was sufficient to be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey and over 30 years old to participate in the “Hafız Kal” competition, which did not require a memorization certificate aimed at the citizens who do not work or have not worked at the Presidency of Religious Affairs, and it received intense interest from the citizens.

Winners of the Competition

In the Turkey final of the competition held in Erzincan, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, who has been a hafız for approximately 41 years, became the first in the 15 juz category. In the 5 juz category of the competition, Ahmet Kasir from Kilis became the first.

Awards for the Winners

After the competition, plaques were presented to the hafizes and a group photo was taken.

Feelings of the Governors

Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, who won the first place in the competition, said, “I participated in the Turkey final organized by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. My category was the 15 juz category. I prepared rigorously for this competition. I think I achieved my goal because even if there was no competition, I study 5 pages, 10 pages a day for 1 hour. But as a result of this competition, I started with 5 pages first. Then I read 10 pages a day, 1 juz, 2 juz, and finally 3 juz, preparing for this competition. I completed my hafız training at a course in Konya in 1983. Since then, about 41 years have passed, and I have never lost my connection with the Qur’an.”

Erzincan Governor Hamza Aydoğdu, who hosted the competition, said, “This competition took place for the first time in Turkey. The final was also held in Erzincan. My senior colleague, Erzurum Governor, also participated as a contestant. I was really touched. I congratulate the Presidency of Religious Affairs. They have organized a very beautiful competition. Being a hafız is certainly important, and I consider this competition, which is held to ensure its continuity, very important. Thanks to this, we had the opportunity to learn very beautiful verses and their interpretations here.”

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