Rescue Operation for Injured Bear in Uludağ

Detailed information about the rescue operation of an injured bear in Uludağ and the development of the incident. The meticulous work of the teams and their sensitivity towards nature stand out.

Rescue Operation for Injured Bear in Uludağ
Publish: 09.05.2024

Event Details

A young bear, injured after being hit by a car on the Bursa-Uludağ road, escaped into the forest in the darkness of the night and got stuck in a deep valley bed. The male bear, estimated to weigh 100 kilograms, was rescued after a breathtaking 24-hour operation.

Rescue Operation

The bear, fleeing injured in Uludağ, was cornered by gendarmerie and Nature Conservation teams, and was tranquilized by veterinarians with a sedative injection. Then, it was carried up with ropes and taken to the Veterinary Faculty for treatment.

Development of the Event

Teams that responded to the injured bear report in Bursa, who lost its way at night, found the bear stuck in the stream bed in the first light of the morning. Despite the bear’s attempts to crawl away, it was cornered and rescued by the teams.

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