Traditional Hıdırellez Festivities Celebrated in Tokmak Village in Altınova

The Hıdırellez Festival, celebrated annually with colorful events and enthusiasm in Altınova Tokmak Village, was welcomed with joy. The villagers celebrated the arrival of spring with great excitement.

Traditional Hıdırellez Festivities Celebrated in Tokmak Village in Altınova
Publish: 03.05.2024
Updated: 15.05.2024 12:42

The Hıdırellez festivities, celebrated as a harbinger of spring in the village of Tokmak in Altınova, were held with great enthusiasm. The traditional folk dances and rituals attracted great interest at the event held in the village square.

Altınova Mayor Yasemin Fazlaca, who attended the festivities, emphasized that Hıdrellez is a symbol of unity, solidarity, and brotherhood, stating, “Keeping alive this beautiful tradition passed down from generation to generation is important in demonstrating the significance of being together as a society.”

Expressing her gratitude for the Hıdırellez Festival program prepared by the people of Tokmak, Fazlaca mentioned that they experienced the joy of coming together in the colorful atmosphere of the festivities.

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