Students of MEU Condemned the Attacks of Israel

Students of Manisa Celal Bayar University (MEU) strongly condemned the attacks of Israel on Palestine. The students called for peace and justice.

Students of MEU Condemned the Attacks of Israel
Publish: 03.05.2024

A group of students at Mersin University (MEU) protested against Israel’s attacks on Gaza. After the Friday prayer at the mosque in the Çiftlikköy Campus, students gathered carrying various banners. The students protesting against Israel’s attacks on Gaza also showed support for the anti-Israel protests at various universities in the United States.

Student Statement

Gizem Akgün, a doctoral student at MEU, stated on behalf of the group that Israel’s expansionism, which has been subjecting millions of Palestinians to migration, famine, and death since 1948, has taken on a genocidal nature since October 7, 2023. Akgün pointed out that the dominant powers and international organizations remained silent about Israel’s actions, saying, “The Israeli barbarism brought to international platforms under the leadership of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has begun to be protested by conscientious people with different religions, races, colors, and languages living in various parts of the world but with hearts beating for the children and women in Gaza.”

Support and Thanks

Reminding that Israel has been protested in various parts of the world, Akgün stated that the support given by students to the anti-Israel demonstrations starting at Columbia University in New York City ignited the spark of honorable resistance worldwide. Kenan Can Peker, the Unit President of the AK Party Youth Branch Universities Organization (ÜNİAK), read the press release in English. The group dispersed after the statement.

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