Rainy Weather in Cizre District of Sirnak

Recent information about the rainy weather conditions in the district of Cizre in Şırnak. The effects of the rain and the negative impact on the residents.

Rainy Weather in Cizre District of Sirnak
Publish: 03.05.2024

Severe rain, accompanied by hail and a mixture of rain and snow, hit the district of Cizre in Şırnak during midday. This situation turned the streets into lakes, making it very difficult for citizens to get to their homes and workplaces.

Meteorological Alert and Rainfall

Following the issuance of a “yellow-coded” warning by the General Directorate of Meteorology, the heavy rainfall that has been occurring intermittently in Cizre since yesterday continued to affect the area today as well. Accumulated water puddles formed on the streets due to the rainfall created by hail and rain, causing difficulties for vehicles to move forward. Moreover, citizens experienced challenging moments due to thunderstorms accompanying the rain, and clogged drains had to be cleared by the citizens themselves.

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