3 Dump Trucks of Garbage Removed from the Old Woman’s House

3 trucks of garbage were removed from the elderly woman’s house! The trucks were filled with garbage, and it was all moved from inside the house to outside. The details of the incident and the story of the elderly woman are in this article.

3 Dump Trucks of Garbage Removed from the Old Woman’s House
Publish: 02.05.2024

In the district of Birecik in Şanlıurfa, 3 trucks of garbage taken out of the house of an elderly woman living alone amazed the neighborhood residents. The incident took place in Meydan Mahallesi. Neighborhood residents immediately informed the municipality when they noticed the bad smells coming from the house. Municipal teams, upon entering the house with a prosecutor’s order, encountered an incredible scene.

The teams, who saw tons of paper and plastic materials stacked in the courtyard and rooms in the house, were astonished. However, the foreign national Zubeyde B., who was the homeowner, did not allow the garbage to be removed. The woman, resisting the teams from entering, tried to stop them by climbing onto the roof. After long efforts, the woman was convinced and the garbage in her house was emptied.

A total of 3 trucks of garbage were removed from the house and taken to be destroyed in a suitable area. In addition, pest control measures were also initiated in the house. The incident caused great astonishment among the neighborhood residents, and the municipal teams increased their routine inspections in order to avoid similar situations.

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