Reinforcement Works Against Landslides Starting in Bolu Mountain Tunnel

Reinforcement works against landslides will begin in the Bolu Mountain Tunnel. With these works, the durability of the tunnel will be increased, ensuring road safety.

Reinforcement Works Against Landslides Starting in Bolu Mountain Tunnel
Publish: 01.05.2024

Strengthening Works Against Landslides Begin

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, announced that the second phase of strengthening works against landslides in the Bolu Mountain Tunnel will start in July. It was stated that the tunnel portal extension towards Istanbul direction, with a steel structure using 300 tons of steel and 7 millimeters thick double-plated bellows, will be extended by 67 meters.

Details of the Works

Minister Uraloğlu stated that following the landslide that occurred on April 2, 2022, on the Anatolian Highway Bolu Mountain Tunnel in the Istanbul-Ankara direction, the extension of the tunnel entrance structure with a steel structure on a reinforced concrete foundation was designed to prevent similar incidents. As part of the works, the total length of the tunnel has been increased to 3,115 meters.

Completion of the First Phase Works

It was stated that within the scope of the first phase of the works, the tunnel entrance towards Ankara direction was extended by 90 meters with a steel structure, using 370 tons of steel and 7 mm thick double-plated bellows. With this work, safety measures against possible landslide incidents in the tunnel have been increased.

Reopening of the Road

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, mentioned that a 23-kilometer section in the Istanbul direction will be closed to traffic in July to start the works, and the traffic will be diverted from Abant Junction to D-100 State Road. Drivers will be able to rejoin the highway from the Kaynaşlı Junction.

Steel Expansion Joint Replacements

It was stated that 5 steel expansion joint replacements with specially designed fuse boxes against earthquakes were carried out on 3 viaducts, and infrastructure repair work was conducted in the closed section to address settlements in the heavy load lane.

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