The Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the decision of the French National Assembly worthless

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the decision taken by the French National Assembly worthless. While tensions continue in relations with France, Turkey’s reaction remains a topic of curiosity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the decision of the French National Assembly worthless
Publish: 29.04.2024
Updated: 11.05.2024 11:43

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it finds the decision taken by the French National Assembly on April 29, 2024, regarding the Assyrians and Chaldeans to be worthless.

In the written statement made by the Ministry, it was stated that the French National Assembly made baseless accusations regarding the Ottoman Period, lacking historical and legal grounds. The statement included the following:

“The decision of the French National Assembly on April 29, 2024, regarding the Assyrians and Chaldeans is null and void. Last year, the French government announced that it did not support a similar decision in the French Senate. The fact that the same groundless accusations are brought to the agenda of the National Assembly this time by the ruling party members is an example of efforts to distort historical events for political interests.”

“Parliaments do not have the authority to interpret and judge history. This decision is also contrary to the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which stipulates that the crime of genocide can only be attributed by a competent court.”

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