Exporting companies are supported in many ways

The Ministry of Commerce provides support to companies in many areas to increase exports. Barış Çakır, the Risk and Legal Compliance Coordinator of Asset Global Logistic Integration, explained in detail what support is available to companies, including market research and international travel support. The Ministry of Commerce provides various supports to companies with the aim of increasing exports, including market research and overseas travel support. However, many companies fail to fully benefit from the allocated budgets for export support, either due to errors in their applications or a lack of awareness of the available supports. To increase awareness and utilization of government assistance for export development, Barış Çakır, the Risk and Legal Compliance Coordinator of Asset Global Logistic Integration, explained the supports provided. Barış Çakır, the Risk and Legal Compliance Coordinator of Asset Global Logistic Integration, explained what supports are available and how they can be utilized. He stated, “As we all know, exports are crucial for our country, as they are the largest source of foreign currency. Considering both the need for foreign currency in our country and the fact that we have adopted an export-oriented development model, increasing our country’s export figures has a significant impact on economic prosperity. The export target of $375 billion set for 2028 in the 12th Development Plan clearly demonstrates this. In recent years, export supports have been among the systematic practices implemented to increase exports. The stronger a country’s export performance, the less dependent it becomes on foreign sources, and the upward momentum of its prosperity continues. In discussions with executives from Exporters’ Associations serving different sectors, we have received feedback that the allocated budgets for export supports are not fully utilized due to errors in applications and a lack of awareness of the available supports. To promote the development of exports, trade professionals need to be much more eager to learn about and utilize the government assistance provided.” Market research and overseas travel support Barış Çakır emphasized that the Ministry of Commerce supports expenses related to meetings with potential customers and finding new markets. He said, “According to the provisions of the Trade Law, companies that are members of exporters’ associations can benefit from the supports. The support elements include: support for the expenses of up to two company employees for up to 10 days during a market research trip abroad. Economy class air, train, ship, and bus ticket fees for international and intercity transportation and daily car rental expenses up to $50 are supported. Daily room + breakfast expenses per person are supported. (Accommodation is supported up to 4,500 TL per person per day. Each company can be supported for up to 5 market research trips abroad per calendar year.)” Overseas promotion support Çakır stated that the Ministry of Commerce provides support for international promotion activities to encourage companies to promote their brands in international markets and increase their visibility in existing markets. He said, “According to the provisions of the Trade Law, companies that are members of exporters’ associations can benefit from the supports. The support elements include: the products being promoted must be Turkish-origin products manufactured in Turkey, and the support must be for advertising, promotion, and marketing activities only. As of 2024, 50% of the expenses for promotion and marketing activities carried out abroad are supported. The upper limit of the support element is 6,898,354 TL per year for each country. If there is a domestic trademark registration certificate and a trademark registration certificate in the country where the promotion will be carried out (including application status), the upper limit is determined as 11,183,893 TL. If the country targeted for promotion is included in the target countries list, an additional 20% is applied to the support rate.” Overseas fair support Çakır explained, “The Ministry of Commerce provides overseas fair support to encourage and support Turkish companies in entering international markets, maintaining their presence in international markets where they already export, and increasing their market shares. According to the provisions of the Trade Law, companies that are members of exporters’ associations can benefit from the supports. The support elements include: support is provided based on square meters, taking into account expenses such as venue rental, transportation, and transportation. The products exhibited at the fair must be of Turkish origin. The application period for overseas fair support is 3 months after the fair. While the Ministry of Commerce applies high rates for prestigious fairs in the fair support program, it applies lower support rates for general fairs. For 2024, you can follow which fairs are included in the support scope on the ministry’s website. Companies can benefit from supports up to 698,317 TL for sector-specific fairs and up to 2,096,497 TL for prestigious fairs, based on square meters. The support basis amount is calculated at a rate of 50%. If the fair is in one of the target countries, an additional 20% is provided on top of the 50%, resulting in a total support rate of 70%.” Overseas rent support Çakır mentioned that expenses for rental spaces outside the country are also supported to facilitate the display and promotion of products manufactured in Turkey in foreign markets. He said, “All rental expenses paid by our companies for locations such as stores, offices, marketplaces, and exhibition halls are covered by the Ministry of Commerce’s support. According to the provisions of the Trade Law, companies that are members of exporters’ associations can benefit from the supports. The support rate is set at 50%, and in rental expenses incurred in target countries, the support rate is applied at 70%. As of 2024, the annual support upper limit per overseas unit rental is 5,591,174 TL per unit. Companies can benefit from rental supports for each country for a period of 4 years. The main company in Turkey can open a unit directly, or its companies or branches operating abroad can also open units. In this case, there must be an organic connection between the company abroad and the main company in Turkey.” Overseas trademark registration support Çakır explained, “Overseas trademark registration support aims to support the expenses of Turkish brands being registered and protected in any country worldwide. According to the provisions of the Trade Law, companies that are members of exporters’ associations can benefit from the supports. The support elements include: all necessary expenses related to trademark/patent office services, consultancy, research, examination, and legal expenses for determining whether the trademark is registered for another company in that country are covered. The Ministry of Commerce provides trademark registration support for 4 years at a rate of 50%. As of 2024, companies’ expenses for the registration and protection of their trademarks abroad are supported at a rate of 50%, up to a maximum of 2,096,497 TL per year. If the trademark registration activity covers multiple countries, an additional 20% is applied to the support rate for all of these countries listed as target countries.”